Thursday, November 11, 2010


No recipe this time, only some information (and borrowed photos). Today is our Independence Day. Every National Holiday is sad here - no parades, no picnics, no fun - so people are not gathering nor celebrating at home. The only exception is my city, Poznań, where we have a special celebration: st. Martin's Day. There's a colorful parade on st. Martin Street, concerts, some other attraction and a culinary specialty sold only by those bakeries who certificate their recipe is traditional: rogale marcińskie.

Those are croissant-shaped, made out of pastry called here "half puff": it's yeast dough rolled like puff pastry. They are filled with white poppy and nut filling, glazed with icing and chopped walnuts. Not vegan, obviously; I only show it here as something interesting.

In general, people don't make those at home, only buy them, but some housewives make their version out of yeast dough like this one, and fill with black poppy filling (white poppy is extremely hard to find, and very expensive), prepared like here. I'm not a huge fan so I'm probably never gonna make it, but if you want, you may give it a try; it will be a challenge.

These are not my photos: by clicking one you should be transferred to a site where they come from

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